Night Lights

Night Lights

Turn your most cherished photos into a beautiful illuminated Night Light that plugs directly into a wall outlet.

Color images are converted to gray-scale and the varying shades of gray determine how thick the night light is.

Our 3 most popular color choices for printing your image are White, Beige, or Grey.  The White lithophanes are thick and have many shades of grey to work with.  Beige offers more of a warm, sepia tone quality to the printed images.  While Grey offers a higher level of contrast in the image, making for more dramatic "artsy" results.

You may also choose between a Night Light fixture that will automatically switch on/off with darkness, or one that has a physical on/off switch.  We recommend the latter, since you can leave it shining bright all day, but if you'd rather have a fixture that is light-sensitive, that option is available at no additional charge.

We can work with any image format but prefer JPG images with a file size of less than 5mb.


To order a Night Light, please use the form below to submit your contact information and the photo you want converted.  We will get in touch with you ASAP with follow-up details...